
FRP Storage Tank for Sea Water

  • Customer
    Petroleum and natural gas company
  • Location
    Middle East
  • Project executed
  • Dimensions 490 m3 Storage Tank
    Diameter: 9,150 mm, Height: 9,000 mm
  • Medium
    Sea Water
  • Temperature
    Design: + 60° C
  • Market segment
    Chemical Industry
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Storage Tank
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Storage Tank
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Tank
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Storage Tank
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Storage Tank
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Storage Tank
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Tank
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Tank
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Tank
Plasticon Projects - FRP Storage Tank

Plasticon Projects designed and supplied a storage tank for the storage for upgrading seawater by adding chemicals. The tank was delivered at a Sea water plant in the Middle East. The tank has been executed with the LMS (Leak Monitoring System).

(For more info see also

The roof and bottom plates have been prefabricated in The Netherlands. Due to the size (D= 9.150 mm and a total height of 9.000 mm) the production of the cylinder and assembly of the tank have been done on site.

To produce the cylinders, we used one of our on-side winding machines.

After completion of the tank, it was lifted by crane in his final position.

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