
FRP Lime Slurry Tanks for Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD)

  • Customer
    Asian multinaltional engineering company
  • Location
  • Project executed
  • Dimensions 490 m3 Storage Tank
    Diameter: 8,000 mm, Height: 15,000 mm
  • Medium
    Lime Slurry
  • Temperature
  • Market segment
    Chemical Industry, Power & Energy
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Storage Tank

Plasticon Composites International Contracting B.V. was responsible for the design, engineering and supply of 3 large diameter tanks for the storage of Lime Slurry. The lime slurry will be used for the flue gas desulfurization (FGD) process of the power plant in Germany. The lime slurry will be ejected by spray headers in the absorber and reduces the sulphur dioxide emission by a chemical process creating gypsum slurry.

GRP is very resistant and anti-abrasive and the perfect solution for the storage of lime slurry.

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Plasticon Projects - FRP Chimney int the clouds

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