
FRP Leach Tanks & Settler Tanks for Copper Plant

  • Customer
    Copper Mining Plant
  • Location
    Utah, USA
  • Project executed
  • Dimensions
    Diameter: 7,450 mm Height: 12,000 meter
  • Medium
    Acid, slurry
  • Temperature
    Design: + 80° C
  • Market segment
    Mining, minerals & metals, Water & Waste water, Chemical Industry
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Settler Tank
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Tank
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Tank
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Tank
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Tank
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Tank
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Tank
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Tank
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Tank
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Tank
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Tank
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Tank
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Tank
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Tank
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Tank
Plasticon Projects - Metals & Mining - Process Tanks

In 2015 the mining company contracted Plasticon Composites International Contracting to build three cylindrical large diameter open top FRP leach tanks at their mining site in UT, USA. The scope of supply includes all labour, supervision, equipment, tools, materials, including internal fixtures and apparatus installation, such as gaskets and fastening sets for manholes, anchoring, agitator support bridges, ladders, platforms and railings. Later the tanks were successfully subjected to hydro-testing. This was the first of its kind open top leach tank project in North America and is a high profile project for Plasticon Projects. The project was completed end 2015.

All tanks were designed for seismic conditions: IBC. Seismic Design Category “D” (IBS 2009). The CBL contained 20% Alumina for increased resistance to abrasion. The tanks were designed according to the ASTM-RTP1.

A side to this project, Plasticon Projects was awarded the contract for building the square settler tanks at the Mining plant in Utah.

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