
Tripple FRP Chimney Liner and Duct

  • Customer
    Engineering company in the power sector
  • Location
  • Project executed
  • Dimensions
    Diameter: 5.3 meter Total length: 690 meter
  • Medium
    Flue gas
  • Temperature
    20-163 °C
  • Market segment
    Power & Energy
  • Plasticon Projects - Turow - FRP Chimney Liner
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Chimney Liner Installation
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Stack Installation
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Field Fabrication
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Chimney Liner
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Stack
  • Plasticon Projects - FRP Field Fabrication

A major energy group in Poland invested in environmentally friendly equipment and modernization of its existing power stations. Part of this investment was the order of three new ‘Flue Gas Desulfurization’ units, based on spraying of lime-stone suspension into flue gas (wet FGD). The units were designed for the lignite and biomass fuelled units of the power plant in Poland.

Each unit is designed for a maximum flue gas flow of 1,280,000 Nm3/h with a maximum SO2 concentration of 2,500 mg/m3 and a removal of ≥ 97.5%. After the installation of the three lines, the flue gas desulphurization unit operates at a temperature of 70°C and normal conditions. However, during the construction period, the flue gas desulphurization of unit 4 and 6 were not operative: during this period the units operated under by-pass conditions. As soon as the last unit (number 5) was installed the total system was operational for flue gas desulfurization.

During by-pass operation (Unit 4, 2 years) the temperature of the system could reach temperatures up to max 160°C (for two hours, normal 141°C) and under a maximum SO2 concentration.

The three existing chimney liners, consisting out of borosilicate blocks, needed to be replaced as this lining material was not the right choice for the flue gas desulphurization unit of this new power plant. The engineers decided to use fiberglass reinforced plastics, FRP, for the construction of the 700 meter high chimney liners and all duct systems due to the wet circumstances and the huge differences in temperature (20 – 160 °C).

The challenge of this project for Plasticon Projects was the short construction time that was given by the customer. The customer insisted in demolishing the brick chimney liner and installing the new fiberglass chimney liner within a time frame of 40 days. At that point Plasticon Composites only had 25 days to install a new chimney liner of 5,300 mm in diameter and 120 meters high.

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